Weifang Flies "China Space Station"-Themed Kites to Welcome Astronauts' Triumphant Return

From:Iqilu.comAuthor: 2022-04-24 14:45

  On the morning of April 17, the Comprehensive Service Center of the Weifang International Kite Association successfully flew the "China Space Station"-themed kite at the Weifang Binhai International Flying Field to celebrate the return of the astronauts.

  The "China Space Station"-themed kite was made by Liu Zhijiang, the fourth-generation inheritor of traditional kites in Weifang, together with more than 20 kite artists who combined traditional crafting techniques with modern digital technology. The scenes of the spaceship docking with Tiangong Space Station and the astronauts' spacewalk were vividly showed. 

  The "China Space Station"-themed kite belongs to giant skill-oriented kite. The main body is the Tiangong space station, with a width of 3.5 meters, a length of 8 meters, a height of 3.5 meters, and a waist length of 150 meters. It has undergone many test flight revisions. Its successful flying expresses the best wishes of the people of Weifang for the motherland to become a powerhouse in aerospace, to achieve the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and to realize the space dream.



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